How to build a user feedback board on WordPress without code

How to build a user feedback board on WordPress without code

Written by Casey Burridge

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Categories GravityView

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Have you ever wished you had an easy way for users to share feedback on your products? 

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a fully functional user feedback board where visitors can submit ideas, vote on suggestions, and track the status of their requests—all using Gravity Forms and GravityView. 

Ready to bring your feedback process to life? Let’s dive in!

Sneak peek

Here’s a preview of the user feedback board that we’re going to build in this tutorial. As you can see, users can submit product feedback in the form of “ideas” that other users can vote on.

A feedback board built with Gravity Forms and GravityView; there is a list of ideas posted by users with statuses and ratings

Clicking on a specific idea enables users to view comments on the idea and leave their own comments! Each idea also has a status indicating whether it’s being worked.

A single feedback idea with 3 comments added by users below; there is also a form at the bottom for leaving comments and ratings

Let’s start building!

What you’ll need

Here are the plugins you’ll need to build a user feedback board like the one in this tutorial:

Installing the GravityView Ratings & Reviews Extension

GravityView Pro includes all of the premium layouts and extensions for GravityView. In this tutorial, we’re going to make use of the Ratings & Reviews extension which enables users to rate and comment on entries!

To install the extension, simply hover over “GravityKit”, click “Manage Your Kit” and then scroll down to “Extensions” and install Ratings & Reviews.

A toggle indicating 'activated' on the Ratings & Reviews extension card

Okay, now we can move on with the rest of the tutorial.

Creating the feedback form

The first step is to create a form enabling users to submit new “ideas”, i.e., product features. To create a new form we’ll hover over “Forms” and click “New Form”. Now we can start constructing our form using the Gravity Forms visual editor.

The Gravity Forms visual form editor

To keep things simple, we’ll add the following fields to our form:

  • Your idea (“Single Line Text” field)
  • Describe your idea (“Paragraph Text” field)
  • Name (“Name” field)
  • Email (“Email” field)
  • Status (“Drop Down” field)

The “Status” field will enable admins to update the status of ideas for users to see. After adding this field, we’ll add three choices—“Not started”, “Working on” and “Completed”.

The choices for the 'Status' dropdown field; there are 3 options: Not started, Working on and Completed.

Next, we’ll open the visibility options and select “Administrative”. This will hide the field for regular users so that it is only visible to administrators.

Visibility options for a field in Gravity Forms; there are 3 radio buttons labeled visible, hidden and administrative respectively

Here’s what our form looks like on the front end:

A Gravity Forms form titled 'Submit idea'

The next step is to create a View to display user submitted ideas.

Creating a View to display submitted ideas

To create a View, we’ll hover over “GravityKit” and click “New View”. Next, we’ll select our “Ideas” form as the data source and the “List” type as our View type.

The View creation screen in GravityView; there is an arrow pointing to a dropdown field for selecting a form; below that there is a meta box for selecting a View type (here the list field is selected)

Now we can start configuring the View by adding fields and widgets. Let’s begin with the Multiple Entries layout.

Configuring the Multiple Entries layout

We’ll start by adding a search bar widget to the top of the View. This will enable users to search and filter feedback items (ideas) directly from the front-end. To add a search bar, we’ll click on the “Add Widget” button and select the search bar widget.

The GravityView editor; the multiple entries layout tab is highlighted

After adding the widget, we’ll click on the gear icon to open the widget settings. Here, we can configure the search bar by adding search inputs. Let’s add the “Entry Date” and “Status” as searchable fields.

The search bar settings with options for adding new search fields

Next, we’ll scroll down to the View settings, click on the “Ratings & Reviews” tab and enable entry reviews. Then, we’ll select up/down votes as our review type and configure the remaining options.

The GravityView View settings meta box; the 'Ratings & Reviews' tab is selected

After enabling entry reviews, we can start adding fields to our View. Let’s start by adding the “Your idea”, “Status” and “Vote Rating” fields to the “Listing Title” section. Next, we’ll add the “Describe your idea” field to the “Other Fields” section.

The 'Entries Fields' section of the View editor showing several fields added to ifferent sections

That’s it! If you want to style the “Status” field like we did with the purple background and white text, you can use a Custom Content field with some custom HTML and CSS.

The status tag

Here how I did it: I added a Custom Content field to the View. Then I added the “Status” merge tag and wrapped it in an HTML <span> tag with the class fb-staus.

The GravityView custom content text editor; here there is a merge tag wrapped in a span element with class 'fb-status'

I then added the following CSS code to the “Custom Code” panel in the View settings:

.fb-status {
	padding:5px 10px;
	background-color: #7D7EDF;
	color: #ffffff;

💡 Pro tip: You can learn more about merge tags by reading our ultimate guide to Gravity Forms merge tags.

Configuring the Single Entry layout

Now we can turn our attention to the Single Entry layout. This is where users can leave comments and view previous comments added to an idea. Here, we’ll add the three main fields (“Your idea”, “Describe your idea” and “Status”) to the “Listing Title” section and then we’ll add the “Link to Edit Entry” field to the “Other Fields” section.

The GravityView Single Entry layout

The “Link to Edit Entry” field will output a link that enables admins to update entry details directly from the front-end.

Configuring the Edit Entry layout

On the Edit Entry tab we can add the fields that we want to be editable from the front-end. Adding the “Status” field will enable admins to update the status of an idea so that users can track their feature requests.

The GravityView Edit Entry layout

Here’s what the Edit Entry page looks like on the front end:

A form for updating the 'status' of an idea

Now let’s take a look at the finished user feedback board. Here’s what the multiple entries page looks like:

A feedback board built with Gravity Forms and GravityView; there is a list of ideas posted by users with statuses and ratings

Here’s what users will see when they click on a specific idea. (Note the form enabling them to rate the idea and leave a comment!).

A single feedback idea with 3 comments added by users below; there is also a form at the bottom for leaving comments and ratings

That’s it!

Build a user feedback board today

There you have it—a fully operational user feedback board where users can submit, vote, and comment on ideas, all while tracking their status. 

By combining the power of Gravity Forms and GravityView Pro, you can create an intuitive way to engage with your users and collect valuable feedback.

Start building your own feedback board today, and don’t forget to explore our blog for more tutorials to help you get the most out of GravityKit!

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