Allow users to rate, review and comment on entries in a View. Add different rating types and display ratings anywhere on the entry.
Increase engagement
Allow visitors to your site to rate, review and comment on entries in a View. Allow users to engage with your content by offering their valuable feedback. Perfect for business directories and event listings.
Enhance your directory
Add different rating types to your front end applications. Allow users to rate entries using stars or up/down votes. Ratings are added like a GravityView field, so you can display them wherever you want to.
Explore new opportunities for creativity and innovation
Create a forum and allow users to upvote and downvote topics, add reviews to your restaurant directory, and allow users to comment on upcoming events.
Is it possible to sort entries by ratings? I want all the entries rated 5-star to appear at the top.
Unfortunately, that’s not possible yet.
Is it possible to import/export existing reviews?
Reviews are stored as WordPress Comments and are associated with entries in a way that prevents them from being imported/exported.
Can I integrate Ratings & Reviews with another WordPress comment plugin, like wpDiscuz?
Unfortunately, no. Ratings & Reviews does not support third-party comment plugins.
Is it possible to rate an entry from the Multiple Entries page without clicking into the Single Entry?
Yes, that’s possible.
Is it possible to display ratings/reviews on the Multiple Entries page?
You can display ratings on the Multiple Entries page, but reviews are only visible on the Single Entry page.
Ratings & Reviews Changelog
2.4 on November 7, 2024
This release introduces the ability for users to remove their ratings and resolves entry and comment sorting issues.
π Added
Ability for users to remove their ratings.
π Fixed
Entries could not be sorted by stars and votes.
Entry comments did not follow the display order set under the Discussion settings in WordPress.
2.3.2 on August 28, 2024
This update resolves issues that prevented users from editing their reviews and allowed multiple reviews when the View was configured to limit them to one per user/entry.
π Fixed
Setting the "Reviews edit duration" to 0 (unlimited) did not allow users to edit their reviews.
Reviews were not limited to one per user/entry when the corresponding option was enabled, and the View was embedded in a page/post.
2.3.1 on July 15, 2024
This is a minor update that fixes a fatal error.
π Fixed
Fatal error dividing by zero when calculating average rating
2.3 on July 11, 2024
This is a major update that introduces new features for anonymous reviews, enhanced control over the review form, Merge Tags, and additional customization options.
Typo in an error message when a user tries to leave a review, but they're not allowed.
The Rate Entry field was not allowing ratings when using the DataTables layout.
Improved translation strings.
PHP 8.2 deprecation notices.
π§ Developer Updates
Added gv_ratings_reviews_disable_downvoting filter to disable downvoting (default is false or the value set in the View settings). Learn more about the filter.
Added gravityview_ratings_reviews_merge_tags and gravityview_ratings_reviews_replace_merge_tag filters to add additional Merge Tags and replace their contents. Learn more about the filter.
2.2.1 on February 15, 2023
Fixed: PHP warning on review submission
2.2 on January 9, 2023
Fixed: Sorting by votes/ratings
A new "Recalculate Ratings" bulk form action was added to fix sorting for existing entries
Fixed: Stars would incorrectly display in certain themes
Fixed: Incorrect link to all comments in notification messages
Fixed: Rating entries did not work from an embedded View
Fixed: PHP 8 deprecation notices
2.1 on August 31, 2021
Added: It's now possible to rate entries from the Multiple Entries screen!
Added: Fields now have icons in the "Add Field" picker
Fixed: Ratings being created without attached form and entry IDs ("Form ID 0 Entry ID 0")
Fixed: Reviews Link field doesn't process Merge Tags
2.0.2 on February 5, 2020
Fixed: PHP warning
Updated: Russian, Turkish, and French translations (Thank you, Viktor S and SΓΌha Karalar)
2.0.1 on September 14, 2018
Fixed: Star ratings were not being saved on iOS devices
Added: gv_ratings_reviews_get_reviews_atts filter to modify the attributes passed to get_comments() when fetching reviews
Added: gv_ratings_reviews_is_user_allowed_to_review filter to modify whether the user can leave a review. Return a WP_Error instance to modify the message shown to the user
Updated: templates/review-form.php file now supports a WP_Error return value from GravityView_Ratings_Reviews_Helper::is_user_allowed_to_leave_review()
2.0 on May 22, 2018
Now requires GravityView 2.0
Fixed: Compatibility with GravityView 2.0
Fixed: Sorting by rating
Fixed: View Settings not displaying
Fixed: Error saving ratings when new entries are created
Changed: Show other settings only when "Enable entry reviews" is checked
Added: Spanish translation (thank you, Jose UsΓ³!)
1.3.5 on January 6, 2016
Fixed: Issue where all comments are trashed when a single entry is trashed
Fixed: Entry link not working on Comments page
Updated translations: Russian, German, and Turkish - thanks, translators!
1.3.4 on May 6, 2016
Fixed: Fatal error when bulk deleting entries in the Admin
Fixed: PHP notice when submitting a review with the option Hide ratings fields set
Added: Chinese translation (thanks, Edi Weigh!)
1.3.3 on December 22, 2015
Updated: Requires GravityView 1.12 or higher
Added: Setting to allow empty reviews: "Allow empty review text"
Fixed: DataTables issues (sorting by rating, displaying vote field)
Fixed: Issue in WordPress 4.4 with allowing comments with empty text
Fixed: Improved compatibility with the Recent Comments Widget. New reviews will link to the original page where they were submitted.
Fixed: Individual star ratings not being displayed properly (always one star)
Fixed: Sorting by stars and votes
Fixed: Existing entries may not accept reviews
Fixed: Clear entry cache when rating is added
Fixed: Allow users to leave comments on ratings. Before, commenting on a review this would cause a "you've already left a review" screen.
Fixed: Allow overriding the review-form.php template
Fixed: $screen not an object PHP error message
Fixed: Removed extra whitespace on Reviews Link field
Fixed: Issue with reviews not showing up
Tweak: Moved the review_form() method from helper class to review class
Tweak: Added white-space: nowrap; style to +/- rating form to improve readability for "No Rating"
Tweak: Show that updates are available even when not using active license
Tweak: Make sure WordPress is loaded before processing files
Developer changes:
Reviews now store the referring post ID of the review. It's stored using the gv_post_id comment meta key. You can access it using the update_comment_meta() function and modify it using the get_comment_metadata filter.
Added second parameter ($create_if_not_exists, boolean) to GravityView_Ratings_Reviews_Helper::get_post_bridge_id()
Added gv_ratings_reviews_allow_empty_comments filter to enable/disable comments (return boolean)
Renamed comment_form_default_fields filter to gv_ratings_reviews_review_form_fields
Renamed comment_form_defaults filter to gv_ratings_reviews_review_form_settings
Added gv_ratings_reviews_js_vars filter to modify Javascript commenting and +/- voting text
Added gv_ratings_reviews_post_bridge_title filter to modify the Bridge Post title shown in the widget. Passes two args: title and entry array. This allows using Gravity Forms Merge Tags to modify the title values.
1.2 & 1.2.1 beta on August 27
Updated: Fetch templates using GravityView template system so that they can be overridden properly.
Removed the following template path filters: gravityview_entry_comments_template_path and gv_ratings_reviews_item_template
Moved templates directory location from /includes/templates/ to /templates/
Fixed: Prevent ratings fields from displaying when commenting on reviews
Fixed: Extension class fatal error when no other extension is active