When you configure a new export, the plugin will generate a secure download URL that you can share with anyone who needs the data (no need to log in!). Your reports update automatically as new entries are added.
Export directly to Excel (.xlsx)
Export your entries directly to .xlsx format. No more wasting time importing your CSV files into Excel and re-configuring columns. You can also export data from multiple forms to a single Excel workbook!
Customize your reports
After enabling the download URL, configure your report by including/excluding fields, adding a custom filename, filtering by date range, and more; set it up once and forget about it.
Analyze, format and share your Gravity Forms data
Download reports using a secure link
Easily share or limit access to downloads
Share data using a secure link (no need to log in!). GravityExport Lite also allows you to secure your reports by resticting access to logged-in users.
Download reports from multiple forms at once
You can export entries from multiple Gravity Forms to a single Excel file (workbook) with multiple sheets.
Customize your data reports
GravityExport Lite includes several options for customizing your reports. Transpose your columns, include entry notes, add a custom filename, change the ordering, and more.
Attach reports to email notifications
When new form entries are submitted, you can share them automatically by attaching them to existing Gravity Forms email notifications.
Can I exclude certain fields (like entry meta) from my reports?
Yes. You can select which fields should be included in your reports.
I need to export my Gravity Forms data to an Excel Workbook without converting it first from a CSV file, can I do that?
Yes! With GravityExport Lite you can export your data directly to Excel, without having to first convert it from a CSV file. You can also export entries from multiple forms to a single file (workbook) with multiple sheets.
Can I split fields with multiple values into separate columns in Excel?
Yes! You can choose to enable this feature when configuring your report. This is helpful if your form includes a List field or a GP Nested Form for example, and you want values to appear in separate columns.
Can I schedule daily/weekly/monthly reports?
No. GravityExport Lite does not allow you to schedule reports that repeat on a schedule.
Can I attach reports to email notifications?
Yes. You can attach single entry reports to Gravity Forms email notifications.
Can I export my data to an XML file?
You can’t export data to an XML file. GravityExport Lite allows you to export data to CSV, and .xlsx (Excel).
I want to make more advanced customizations to my reports. Is there a way to do that?
It depends on what you want to do exactly, but there are plenty of hooks available that allow you to customize different aspects of the output. Check out our documentation, or contact our support if you have questions about this.
This is really, really very good! Does exactly what it has to do. Install, configure and … forget about it! From now this is part of my GF ‘toolbox’.
Amazing support and plugin!
The plugin support is just amazing! GravityExport is exactly what I needed.
A must have extension for Gravity Forms.
GravityExport Lite Changelog
2.3.4 on November 6, 2024
Fixed: Critical error in combination with GravityExport and PHP 8.
2.3.3 on October 29, 2024
Enhancement: Added a gfexcel_field_fileuploads_force_download filter to control whether file upload links open in the browser or download directly.
2.3.2 on October 14, 2024
Fixed: Added compatibility for servers that miss the iconv or mbstring PHP extension.
Fixed: Critical error when downloading an export file.
2.3.1 on July 4, 2024
Updated: Release to wordpress.org was missing files.
Enhancement: Date fields now export the date according to its field setting.
Enhancement: Value Objects (BaseValue) can reference getField(), getFieldType() and getFieldId() to help with filtering.
Enhancement: Name fields can now also be split up in to multiple fields. Made this a generic setting on the settings page. Please re-save your settings!
Enhancement: Subfield labels can now also be overwritten with the gfexcelfieldvalue-hook.
Bugfix: Found a memory leakage in retrieving fields for every row. Will now be retrieved only once per file.
Bugfix: Custom Sub field labels were not exported.
Bugfix: I spelled 'separate' wrong, and therefore the hooks were also wrong. Please update your hooks If you use them!
Language: Finnish language files added thanks to @Nomafin!
Enhancement: Better inclusion of script and styles.
Enhancement: Renamed Results in Excel to Entries in Excel to be more consistent.
Enhancement: Added a quick link to settings from the plugins page.
Bugfix: Wrong minimum version of Gravity Forms set, should be 2.0.
Help: Added some help text to the global settings page. I need your input!
Enhancement: Added plugin settings page with plugin wide default settings
Enhancement: Added dependency checks to plugin, so without them, the plugin won't work.
Bugfix: Prices were shown in html characters. Not really a bug, but it was bugging someone :)
Bugfix: Address field needed wrapping of value objects on separate fields.
Bugfix: Some fields were missing wrapping of value object.
Bugfix: Posting a form gave a 500 error, because of missing form info in front-end.
(Awesome) Feature: You can now set the order of the fields by sorting them, using drag and drop!
Feature: Add colors and font styles to cells by using the gfexcelvalueobject-hook (See docs).
Feature: Attach a single entry file to a notification email.
Feature: We now support exports in CSV. Why? Because we can! (and also Harry asked me too).
Enhancement: You can now add .xlsx or .csv to the end of the URL, to force that output.
Enhancement: Added support for the Woocommerce add-on.
Enhancement: Added support for the Members plugin. You need 'gravityformsexportentries' role for this plugin.
Bugfix: The extension did not match the renderer, which sometimes caused Excel to give a warning.
Bugfix: Lists with a single column could not be exported.
Failed upload. I wish WordPress would drop the ancient SVN approach!
Celebration: 1000+ active installations! Whoop! That is so awesome! Thank you for the support and feedback! As a celebration gift I've added some new settings, making the plugin more user-friendly, while maintaining developer-friendliness!
Feature / Security: Regenerate URL for a form, with fallback to old way. But please update all your URLs! This update also makes the slug more secure and unique by not using the (possibly default) NONCE_SALT.
Feature: Disable fields and metadata with checkboxes on the settings page. Can still be overwritten with the hooks.
Feature: Enable notes on the settings page. Can still be overwritten with the hook.
Feature: Added setting to set the custom filename. Can also still be overwritten with the hook.
Feature: Added error handling to provide better feedback and support.
Enhancement: Added notes per entry. Activate with gfexcelfieldnotes_enabled.
Enhancement: Removed unnecessary files from the plugin to make it smaller.
Feature: Wrapped values in value objects, so we can be more specific in Excel for cell-type-hinting
Feature: NumberField added that uses the NumberValue type for Excel
Feature: Added filters to typehint cell values. See FAQ for more info.
Enhancement: updated cell > URL implementation. Each cell can be set individually now. See FAQ for more info.
Upgraded to PHP 5.6 for minimal dependency. Last version with PHP 5.3 was 1.2.3 (sorry for the mix-up, the new renderer forced my hand, and I forgot about this, otherwise the versioning had gone up sooner.)
Enhancement: moved away from deprecated PhpExcel to PhpSpreadsheet (Thanks @ravloony).
Enhancement: composer.json update to wordpress-plugin for easier installation with bedrock.
Enhancement: Metadata now uses GFExport to get all metadata; so a row now has all metadata. Can still be disabled.
Feature: New ListField transformer. Splits list fields into its own Excel columns, with newline-separate values per column.
Feature: New meta fields transformer. Special filter hooks for meta fields with gfexcelmetavalue.
Feature: New meta subfield transformer for datecreated. Use gfexcelmetadatecreated_separated to split date and time in 2 columns.
Bugfix: Plugin hooks later, so filters also work on bulk-download files.
Bugfix: Worksheets could contain invalid characters, and break download.
Last version to use PHP 5.3
Enhancement: If a cell only contains a URL, that URL is set as a link on that cell, for easy access.
Translation: Added Dutch translation + enabled possibility to translate via WordPress.org. You can help me out!
Enhancement: Worksheets now have a title, and of course a gfexcelrendererworksheet_title hook.
(Very cool) Feature: Download Excel output directly from forms table, and (drumroll), download multiple forms in one file!
Feature: Added gfexcelfielddisable filter to disable all fields you want. Fields will be filtered out before handling.
Feature: Added gfexceloutputrows and gfexceloutputcolumns filters to have more control over output. Thanks @mircobabini.
Feature: Added a setting for sort order per form. Also contains some hooks to override that work!
Feature: Download counter (starts counting as of this version)
Feature: SectionField added to disable empty section columns. Disabled by default. Enable with gfexcelfieldsection_enabled hook (return true).
Feature: FileUploadField added to disable file upload columns. Enabled by default. Disable with gfexcelfieldfileuploads_enabled hook (return false).
Update: Wait until plugins are loaded. Need to be sure Gravity Forms is active. This caused a problem in some multisite implementations.
Bugfix: Changed the permalink registration so that it works with multisite combined with the GF API (thanks for the assist @zitomerh). No need to reactivate the plugin now.
Bugfix: In Standard URL permalink structure, the hash wasn't escaped properly
Bugfix: Only 20 results were being returned by the GFAPI
The title of a form could not be longer than 31 characters