Introducing Entry Revisions Version 1.1

New Release: Introducing Entry Revisions 1.1

Written by Casey Burridge

Last updated:

Categories Product Updates

We’re pleased to announce the release of Entry Revisions 1.1! This new release allows you to add revisions for edits made using our Inline Edit add-on.

This update goes hand in hand with our recent release of Inline Edit 1.5 so be sure to check that out if you haven’t done so already.

Track Edits Made Using Inline Edit

Our Inline Edit add-on allows you to update existing entries faster by editing field values inline.

Prior to version 1.1, Entry Revisions did not track changes made using Inline Edit. That has changed with the latest release!

Here’s how to enable this new option:

Modifying the Default Settings

Head over to the Gravity Forms Settings page and click on the Entry Revisions tab. You’ll see a new option called “Default Inline Edit Behavior”. This allows you to add or ignore revisions made using Inline Edit.

The Entry Revisions settings page in Gravity Forms showing a new option to add entry revisions for edits made using the Inline Edit add-on.

The default setting applies across all of your forms unless you override it in the form settings.

Modifying the Form Settings

You can also change these settings per form. All you need to do is head over to the Form Settings page. Here you’ll see the same set of options, but this time the option you select only applies to that specific form.

The new 'Inline Edit Behavior' setting on the form settings page allowing you to add entry revisions for edits made using the Inline Edit add-on.

Our development team has certainly hit the ground running in 2022 and we’re excited to maintain this momentum as the year progresses! If you’d like to learn more about this new feature, check out the article on our docs site.

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