GravityView Featured Entries Extension icon

Featured Entries

Promote entries by highlighting them and moving them to the top of the search results. Sell premium listings, highlight upcoming events and more.

  • Billed once per year until cancelled

  • Billed once per year until cancelled

  • Billed once per year until cancelled

Highlight important entries

Mark an entry as “featured” in Gravity Forms and it will be highlighted on the front end so it stands out. You can also move featured entries to the top of your View.

Charge for premium listings

Running a paid directory? Charge more for a featured listing!

A featured entry in GravityView

Draw attention to upcoming events

Do you showcase events using GravityView? Mark upcoming events as “featured” so your users will never miss out.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Featured Entries extension

Can I change the color of a featured entry?

By default, featured entries are highlighted in yellow, but it’s easy to change the color by adding a simple CSS rule.

Can I mark en entry as “featured” from the front end?

No, currently you can only mark entries as “featured” from inside the WordPress Admin panel.

Yes, that’s possible. Here’s a guide showing you how to enable this feature.